Sunday, 15 December 2013

Nuts to Include in Your Diet


Most people are so scared to eat pistachios that they feel that it is junk food which raises the cholesterol and the weight and like junk its nutrient dead. Have you observed this? And have you seen like when there are pistachios around, something wonderful happens: everyone gets busy cracking open pistachios. This is not because it’s a junk food that we just gobble it down but it is something that the body is craving to have. That's because they're packed with a powerful, flavorful crunch. And, they fill you up naturally - without bringing your body down.

They are extremely nutritious with high levels of protein and vitamins. They are packed with vitamin B6 as well as vitamin A. Over the years studies have shown that diets rich in pistachios can lower cholesterol levels, reduce incidents of heart attacks and, most recently, it has been discovered that pistachios help keep blood glucose levels normalized.

One of the nicest facts abut these nuts is that it contains fiber. Because of its fiber content, the pistachio is also extremely low in the glycemic index. This means that a smaller amount will keep you fuller for a longer time. As mentioned earlier, 30 pistachios contain only 100 calories.

So kick up your metabolic rate and health quotient replace your junk food with wonderful pistachios!


Just observe the shape, so similar to a brain. It’s amazing that it contains a good quantity of omega 3 fat which is actually essential for the brain. No wonder walnuts are revered since ancient times as symbol of intellectuality since their kernels have convoluted surface inside the shell resembling as that of brain. Walnuts are rich source of energy and contain many health benefiting nutrients, minerals, antioxidants and vitamins that are essential for optimum health. Walnuts differ from other nuts as they are predominantly rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) like oleic acid and an excellent source of all important omega-3 fatty acids like alpha-linolenic acid (ALA)

In addition to antioxidants and essential ALA/omega-3 fatty acids, Walnuts contain 3% to 4% water, 15% to 20% protein, 10% of your daily value of magnesium and phosphorus. The mineral content includes iron and zinc, sodium, selenium, calcium, potassium and copper. Vitamins E and C also are found in walnut.

Walnuts also contain numerous other vitamins and minerals. They are a good source of magnesium (11% daily value) and phosphorus (10% daily value) – both important minerals involved in the body’s processes and necessary for achieving optimal wellness.

Considering the nutrients found in walnuts, 25 – 30 grams or about a handful is an easy way to improve your overall nutrient intake. Walnuts have been identified as a nutrient dense food choice on several nutrient density ranking scales. The convenience, flavour and versatility of walnuts combined with their nutrient profile make them an ideal, economical ingredient and snack. In addition, walnuts are naturally gluten free! Quite popular world over are California walnuts.


Mothers are constantly telling to have nuts especially almonds. These nuts have every good quality fat which is require for healthy brain functioning as well as good digestion. When the digestive system works beautifully and there is no constipation, automatically the skin will be clearer. Almonds being low in glycemic index would keep you full for a longer time and prevent bingeing.

Almonds are of 2 types: American and Iranian (known as mamra in India). The Iranian nuts have a slight bitter property and are also known to combat cancer. The American almonds are flat and broad and are used more commonly. The Iranian ones are slightly thin curved and pointy. One could choose either.

Almonds are good quality fat. All nuts are zero in cholesterol. The bitter almond known as mamra or Iranian almond has cancer fighting properties. The almond of the dried apricot is very healing too.

This nut is high in calcium, a mineral needed for maintaining healthy bones and teeth. It is also rich in iron which aids in the synthesis of haemoglobin which makes it a useful remedy for anemia.

Almonds are a great source of vitamin E, an antioxidant which which reduces the risk of cardiac diseases, cancer and cataract. They also have monounsaturated fat which has proven to be advantageous in preventing cardiovascular diseases as well as reducing the level of LDL cholesterol.

Almonds are an excellent laxative. They contain a good amount of dietary fibre, making it beneficial in the treatment of constipation.

It is also loaded with protein and low in carbohydrates, making it an ideal snack for everyone including diabetics, as it has the added benefit of being low in the glycemic index. It regulates blood sugar fluctuations.

Almonds were considered as “fattening”. But this is just a myth. Studies have shown that eating them in moderation can lower the risk of weight gain. The monounsaturated fat present in almonds results in one feeling satiated for a longer period of time preventing you from overeating. About 12 almonds contain 100 calories and are a good healthy snack instead of munching on a packet of chips.

So if you have a handful of nuts daily you will only consume maximum 200 calories and brilliant fats daily. So lets intelligently and add nuts daily.

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