Sunday, 22 December 2013

Endometriosis - Diagnosis and Treatment

 endometriosis pictures

What is endometriosis?

Endometriosis is a female health disorder that occurs when cells from the lining of the womb (uterus) grow in other areas of the body. This can lead to pain, irregular bleeding, and problems getting pregnant (infertility).

Endometriosis is a condition in which cells that are normally found inside the uterus (endometrial cells) are found growing outside of the uterus. That is, the lining of the inside of the uterus is found outside of it. Endometrial cells are the cells that shed every month during menstruation, and so endometriosis is most likely to affect women during their childbearing years.

Causes of endometriosis:-

The cause of endometriosis is still unknown, and conventional treatments range from ineffective to surgical. But current research suggests that changes in diet and lifestyle can greatly reduce the symptoms and severity of the disease – while naturally improving the odds of conception.

Endometriosis is common. Sometimes, it may run in the family. Although endometriosis is typically diagnosed between ages 25 - 35, the condition probably begins about the time that regular menstruation begins.

A woman who has a mother or sister with endometriosis is much more likely to develop endometriosis than other women. You are more likely to develop endometriosis if you:

  1. Started your period at a young age
  2. Never had children
  3. Have frequent periods or they last 7 or more days
  4. Closed hymen, which blocks the flow of menstrual blood during the period


  1. Painful periods
  2. Pain in the pelvis, lower belly, rectum, vagina, or lower back. Pain may only occur at certain points in the menstrual cycle, during sex, during bowel movements, during ovulation, or all the time.
  3. Pelvic or low back pain that may occur at any time during the menstrual cycle
  4. Infertility
  5. Diarrhea and/or constipation


  1. Commercial meat & dairy: non-organic meat & dairy may contain hormones that mimic estrogen, and there is evidence that dioxins found in commercial animal foods can increase the likelihood and severity of endometriosis
  2. Alcohol: can exhibit estrogenic effects
  3. Sugar: can exhibit estrogenic effects
  4. Toxic personal care & cleaning products: can exhibit estrogenic effects
  5. Caffeine: consumption is directly correlated with incidence and severity of endometriosis
  6. Polyunsaturated cooking oils (canola, soy, safflower, corn, sunflower): can increase inflammation


  1. Anti-inflammatory foods like non-GE salmon (omega-3’s), turmeric
  2. Fiber (plant-based diet): improves GI function
  3. Lipotropic (liver-supporting) foods: Onions, garlic, leeks, beets,broccoli, cabbage,    cauliflower, brussels sprouts, artichokes, bitter herbs like dandelion root, and milk    thistle: improve liver function
  4. Probiotic supplements: improve GI function
  5. Fermented foods like sauerkraut, real pickles and yogurt: improve GI function
  6. Exercise: can decrease estrogen levels

By following the above guidelines, women suffering from endometriosis can naturally reduce their symptoms and improve their fertility. A natural reproduction specialist or fertility prep program can help make these changes easy – and permanent.


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