Thursday, 2 January 2014

Don't Let Your Children Skip Breakfast


You’ve heard it since grade school: Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. But with a morning of competing priorities, snooze buttons and questionable appetites, it’s easy to skip breakfast. It’s estimated that 12 to 34 percent of children and adolescents regularly miss the morning meal. Breakfast really is the most important meal of the day, and you should start your day and your children’s days off right by finding the time to eat this meal. 

Benefits of Breakfast:  
1. Energy:
Along with sleep and exercise, breakfast is one of the best ways to recharge your batteries. It’s the perfect opportunity to get energy-boosting carbohydrates like whole-grain bread, oatmeal and fruit. Create a breakfast with staying power using protein and carbohydrate combos like fruit and yogurt, whole-grain cereal with milk or a whole-grain waffle with nut butter. Breakfast is an ideal way to energize so there will be no sleeping in class! 
2. Healthy weight:
Teens may think skipping breakfast is a good way to save on calories and lose weight, but quite the opposite is true. Breakfast skippers tend to weigh more than those who eat breakfast regularly. Additionally, those who eat a morning meal tend to make healthier food choices throughout the day, which can positively impact weight and long-term health. 
3. Improved concentration:
Studies suggest that eating a healthy breakfast improves brain function — particularly memory and recall. This is essential for soaking up new knowledge and applying it later for a big exam. 
4. Better grades:
Research shows students who eat breakfast perform better academically. It’s not fully understood why, but scientists believe it may be because breakfast supplies essential nutrients to the nervous system to rev up brain power. Or the explanation could simply be that breakfast alleviates hunger and a rumbling tummy, which can interfere with academic performance, behavior and self-esteem. 

What is a Good Breakfast for Teens?
Breakfast should be good blend of carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins and minerals. Thumb rule is fruits, dairy product and grain depending on your personal choice -be it a stuffed Parantha or Idlis. Whether it is served hot or at room temperature, does not matter. General suggestion is that you should get about a quarter of your daily calories during breakfast.
Morning is the best time to give kids a few servings of fruit.
Eggs or other protein-rich food are also a good choice to start the day. You can add nutrient-rich dry fruits as well.
Some schools provide breakfast at school. Ensure that they are providing a good nutritious breakfast that will meet your child’s nutritional needs.
Encourage eating breakfast daily at home or school and make it easy. Grab-and-go meals like a waffle with peanut butter, a boiled egg and fruit or homemade oatmeal bars make eating breakfast a breeze.
Whatever the reason is - whether it is a question of rushing your kid to reach school on time or your cook does not turn up - make sure your teen does not miss the first and the most important meal of the day. Though it may take time, helping your teen eat a nutritious breakfast today will build healthy eating habits that last a lifetime.


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