Saturday, 14 December 2013

5 Good Reasons to Exercise

Good Reasons to Exercise

1. Appeal To The Opposite Gender

Exercise makes you attractive. This is the number one most common reason people will exercise; who doesn’t want to be attractive? If your answer was anything other than “no one” I am concerned for your mental well being... Studies conclusively show that if you are going to exercise regularly people will think you are more attractive. There is something about being able to move big metal bars that just really appeals to people. Interesting to note that weight lifting and strength training promotes attractiveness faster than actual practical forms of exercise like running. However, running is also going to make you more attractive, just not as quickly as weight training.

2. Prolong Death

There is no doubt that being able to run from the grim reaper is a major plus to exercising. It just makes sense. If you are taking care of your body, making healthy choices (yes that includes exercise) then your body is going to want to operate for a longer amount of time. You may have seen this lady in the news lately who is nearly 100 years old and is in excellent shape! The person interviewing her asked if she could do a push-up. And you know what? She did a push up. Even at that age she probably has quite a few more due to exercising and healthy eating.

3. Happiness

Exercise totally makes you happy. This is actually a scientific fact, and you can take it to the bank. Here is how it works, without getting too deep into the neurological operations of the brain, this stuff called serotonin floats around in your head and makes you feel good, and when you exercise your body creates more serotonin. Thus, increased amounts of serotonin equals increased amounts of happiness. Let this not be confused with the recent health article stating that exercise does nothing for people with depression as they are totally separate issues. You must first be happy to become more happy!

4. Something To Do

Now say that you already have the previous things checked off the list; you are very appealing to the opposite sex, you are going to live forever because you eat veggies, and you are completely happy. So why should you now exercise? Because you've got nothing better to do! No matter what you think is important, it isn't as important as taking care of your body! Do it because you really have nothing else to do!

5. Be Social

Well this deals more with people who are going to the gym. People are all about their social-ness these days, what with their Facebook, Twitter, and such nonsense. You could try something real daring in these times like talking to real people! Now doesn't that sound kinda crazy? I assure you that it isn't scary as it seems. Just shut down the ol' computer, throw on some jogging shoes and go to the gym. Be nice and sociable, talk to people, who knows you may even become loved by everyone. At the gym, that is.

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